Saturday, 27 June 2009

Where have you been all my life?

I only discovered blogging a couple of weeks ago, I mean I had heard of it, everyone was talking about their blogs but I had never really looked for one or read any.   But then I was introduced to Twitter and everyone on there had one,  so I thought maybe I should check this out, something must be passing me by if I am the only one in the country not doing it!   It certainly felt like I was the only one not doing it.

Ok the place to start, well seemed Twitter was as good a place as any, I started with some of the people I follow on there, and found there blogs and that was it I was instantly hooked, I love reading them, there is a blog for every mood that you may be in, people who are funny, witty, smart, kind, clever and full of good ideas and not afraid to share them.

I have found some great websites, some great blogs and am having so much fun reading them....I thinkI have finally discovered what the internet is for, apart from online shopping and i-tunes!


  1. Hi there, i'm quite new to this whole blogging thing too and i can't believe what i've been missing out on for so long. However i don't really know anyone in real life who blogs - my friends think i'm mad when i mention it and most of them haven't got a clue what a blog is!

  2. It's a whole new world! I hardly watch TV since I started reading blogs!

  3. same here this is so much better than most of the stuff that is on TV anyway, and they do say real life is stranger than fiction. In real life I know only one person who blogs and I think he only does because he is a musician and can keep everyone upto date friends think it is all to much effort and that you should just pick up a phone and talk to someone....they don't know what they are missing!!

  4. Fun isn't it! Come and join us at British Mummy Bloggers its a great networking site you'll find loads of bloggers there

    you'll recognise a lot of names x

  5. Hi

    Thank you for your kind comment today xx

  6. I'm with Sandy, I nrarely watch TV and since blogging rarely has gone pretty much to never!

    And like New Mummy says, make sure you join British Mummy Bloggers too :)

  7. ps. found your blog on twitter too :)
